No. Title Date
1 Sida Se Lenmi Nou (AIDS is our Enemy)
2 Captain Bio
3 Fight AIDS, Not People with AIDS
4 Ordinance 211: City of Miami Beach 1924-10-15
5 Miami Life, March 26, 1949 1949-03-26
6 Annual health report for the calendar year .. 1959
7 VD 1965
8 The Love Bugs 1976/1979
9 Respect Yourself 1987
10 AiDS 1987
11 Durex Sheik Condoms lightswitch covers 1988
12 Let's Talk About AIDS 1988/1989
13 Understanding Safer Sex 1988
14 Hablemos sobre el SIDA 1990/1992
15 About AIDS 1990/1992
16 The Miscible-May 1991 1991-05-01
17 AIDS Awareness Festival 1992-12-01
18 Make Love, Not AIDS 1992-12-01
19 Choose to be Safe 1993
20 Risky Stuff 1994-05-01