No. Title Date
1 Instrument pour le Sondage Cap-WASH projet Renforcement des capacités des ONG WASH local / national / OBC en Afrique
2 The Response of Vegetation on the Andean Flank in Western Amazonia to Pleistocene Climate Change
3 Profile Line Numbers for the Virginia Key Beach Park Survey
4 Benchmark Book for the Virginal Key Survey
5 Range Monument Data for the Virginia Key Beach Survey
6 A.R. Toussaint and Associates, Inc.'s Vertical Computations for the Virginia Key Beach Survey
7 Field Notebook for the Virginia Key Survey 6/3/09-7/22/09
8 Horizontal Control Data for the Virginia Key Beach Park Survey
9 Records pertaining to Everglades land in T57S-T59S 1912
10 Records pertaining to survey of Cape Sable 1913
11 Correspondence relating to land in the Cape Sable area 1914
12 Report of examination and exploration of the A. W. Hopkins property, Monroe and Dade Counties, Fla 1917
13 Report of exploration, examination and reconnoissance of the eastern portion of the property of A. W. Hopkins in Monroe and Dade Counties, Fla 1917
14 Report of progress upon preliminary survey for reclaiming lands within the Southern Drainage District 1917
15 Report of examination and exploration of township 53S range 29 E, township 53S range 30E, located in Lee County, Florida 1917
16 Papers on the history of Tamiami Trail construction 1928
17 Papers relating to Seminole Indians 1932
18 Report of exploration, examination and reconnaissance of the lands of the Tamiami Trail in Dade County, Florida 1917-03-23
19 Notes and transcripts relating to the King survey and Hamilton Disston's drainage and sugar plantation projects 1920
20 The City of Miami Industrial Survey, International Gateway to the Americas 1938