No. Title Date
1 The Ribera House
2 The Gallegos House
3 The Pan American Center
4 The Sanchez de Ortigosa House
5 The Old Spanish Inn
6 The Triay House
7 First Biennial Report on the Governor's Mansion project, January 1969
8 Government House Archaeological Excavation, Preliminary Report
9 Urban Archaeology in St. Augustine
10 Photograph of Excavation Unit at Government House, Planview
11 [St. Augustine Alligator Hunt Club in front of Rosario Redoubt, 1870]
12 [Artists rendering of the completed reconstruction of the Benet House on St. George Street]
13 [Artists rending of a concept for the reconstruction of the Ribera House, including the Parks property]
14 [Artists rending of a concept for the reconstruction of the Ribera House, including the Blanco House and Carmona House]
15 [Template for an invitation to the dedication of the Pan-American Center]
16 [Artist rendering of the Arrivas House as it may have looked in the late 18th and early 19th century.]
17 Ribera Gardens Archaeological Excavation
18 [De Mesa Sanchez House]
19 [Conceptual drawing showing the floor plan and west elevation for the Pellicer and Oliveros Houses, as they may have appeared in 1788]
20 [Sketch of the rear courtyard of the De Mesa Sanchez House, looking Northeast, 1976]