No. Title Date
1 Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987
2 Aimé Césaire, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
3 Aimé Césaire, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
4 Aimé Césaire and Carlos Moore (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
5 Special Homage Banquet for Aimé Césaire Invitation, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
6 Tribute Luncheon to Outstanding Black Cultural Spokespersons Invitation, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
7 Luncheon in Honor of Aulana Peters and Maya Angelou Invitation, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
8 Abdias do Nascimento, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
9 Val T. McComie and Juan Zapata Olivella (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
10 Juan Zapata Olivella and Carlos Moore (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
11 Dr. Carlos Moore, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
12 Louis Mars, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
13 Édouard Maunick, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
14 Aulana Peters, Carlos Moore, and Maya Angelou (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
15 Maya Angelou and Carlos Moore (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
16 Carlos Moore and Maya Angelou (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
17 Rex Nettleford, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
18 John Henrik Clarke, Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
19 Léopold Sédar Senghor and Aimé Césaire (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02
20 William C. Robinson, Frank Scruggs and Aimé Césaire (L-R), Conference on Negritude, Ethnicity and Afro Cultures in the Americas 1987/02