No. Title Date
1 Demolition of business space prior the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, looking East Feb 65
2 Construction of the Marin-Hasset House, looking Northwest Aug 65
3 Barricades in place on St. George Street at the start of construction on the Marin-Hasset House Feb 65
4 Conduit placement in the construction of the Marin-Hasset House Aug 65
5 Clearing lots, east side of the properties that will eventually be the Marin-Hasset House and Hispanic Garden, from Cuna Street, looking Northeast Feb 65
6 Demolition prior to the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, seen from the rear of the lot looking West Feb 65
7 Construction of the rear section of the Marin-Hasset House, looking North Aug 65
8 The Regidor Clark House on the corner of Charlotte Street and Hypolita Street
9 Baptisms, 1594-1623
10 Baptisms, 1624-1639
11 Baptisms, 1640-1644
12 Baptisms, 1645-1664
13 Baptisms, 1665-1680
14 Baptisms, 1681-1690
15 Baptisms, 1691-1700
16 Baptisms, 1701-1710
17 Baptisms, 1711-1720
18 Baptisms, 1721-1730
19 Baptisms, 1731-1740
20 Baptisms, 1741-1745