No. Title Date
1 Instrument pour le Sondage Cap-WASH projet Renforcement des capacités des ONG WASH local / national / OBC en Afrique
2 Indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction 2008
3 Towards national resilience 2008-07
4 Reducing the Risks ( external resource | internal citation ) 2010
5 Disaster risk reduction NGO inter-agency group learning review ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
6 Together, Becoming Resilient ( external resource | internal citation ) 2011
7 Assessment of Organizational Capacity in the Water and Sanitation Sector Africa 2012
8 GLOWS NGOs/CBOs Survey: Progress Report on Regional and local Outreach 2012
9 Survey Instrument for the Cap-WASH Project 2012
10 Oral History Interview with LaTonya Hopson 2022-10-20