No. Title Date
1 Miami-Gulf Land Investors
2 Park access and equity strategy
3 Virginia Key master plan : 2010, a forgotten natural wonder, a community planning process
4 Miami Beach rehabilitation after the 1926 hurricane letters and expense reports 1926
5 Report of the Miami Beach Zoning Board of Adjustment 1944
6 Miami parking survey 1952
7 Miami's marine destiny 1955
8 Economic study of the Port of Miami 1956
9 A report on schools & parks 1958
10 Generalized land use plan for the City of Miami, Florida 1959
11 Magic city center plan for action 1960
12 Community facilities plan, phase II 1960
13 Dinner Key interim study 1961
14 Social problem levels in city of Miami 1965
15 Downtown Miami 1967
16 Downtown Miami 1968
17 On-site transportation requirements for a downtown Miami governmental center 1969
18 All should blow the trumpet for the ill-housed-- 1971
19 Northeast area study 1972
20 Downtown Miami 1973-1985 1973