No. Title Date
1 Soldier Barracks in Key West
2 Officers Building 1889/1906
3 Barracks 1889/1906
4 Barracks and Parade Ground from the West 1889/1906
5 Sally Port and Officers Building from Southwest 1889/1906
6 N.C.O. Quarters and Officers Building 1889/1906
7 Dr. William's Office and Ice Machine 1889/1906
8 Ovens and 1st Floor of Officers Building 1889/1906
9 Rear N.C.O. Building and Rear Officers Building 1889/1906
10 Second Tier of casemates and Third Floor Room of Officers Building 1889/1906
11 The Office of George Williams Brown 1898
12 Doctor Mudd's Cell, Fort Jefferson 1898-05
13 Officers quarters, Fort Jefferson 1898-05
14 Cannonballs, Tree Grove, and Officers Quarters 1898-05
15 Officers quarters, Fort Jefferson 1898-05
16 Doctor Mudd's Cell, Fort Jefferson 1898-05
17 Officers Quarters 1898-06
18 Officers quarters and barracks 1899/1906
19 Fort Jefferson barracks from grounds 1899/1906