No. Title Date
1 Antipredator responses by native mosquitofish to non-native cichlids: an examination of the role of prey naiveté 2009
2 Contribution of relative sea-level rise to historical hurricane flooding in New York City 2013
3 Drought under global warming 2010
4 Florida River Flow Patterns and the Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation 2008
5 Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass-balance modelling and freshwater flux for 2007, and in a 1995-2007 perspective 2009
6 The impact of sea-level rise on Snowy Plovers in Florida 2011
7 Multilingual Miami : Current trends in sociolinguistic research 2015
8 Physiological responses of red mangroves to the climate in the Florida Everglades 2009
9 Possible climate change impacts on the hydrological and vegetative character of Everglades National Park, Florida 2010-09-27
10 The sea-level conundrum 2010