No. Title Date
1 Alhambra Hotel
2 Strath-Haven Hotel 1930/1959
3 Hotel Pierre 1930/1938
4 Atlantic Towers Hotel 1940/1948
5 Helen-Mar Apartment Hotel 1940/1947
6 The Caribbean 1940/1959
7 How to get a Genuine Florida Sun Tan 1940/1959
8 Normandy Plaza Hotel 1940/1959
9 Peter Miller Hotel 1950/1959
10 Hotel Pancoast 1950/1959
11 Fabulous Fontainebleau Hotel 1950/1959
12 The Vanderbilt 1950/1959
13 Pancoast Hotel 1950/1959
14 A Trailer Camp Down Floriday Way 1950/1959
15 The President Madison Hotel 1950/1959
16 Monte Carlo Hotel 1950/1959
17 Roney Plaza Cabana Sun Club 1950/1959
18 A Beautiful Drive along the Cold River, Mohawk Trail, Mass. 1950
19 The Elk, overlooking Deerfield River Valley, Mohawk Trail, Mass. 1950
20 Even the "Poor Fish" are lucky in Florida 1950/1959