No. Title Date
1 Map of the Gulf of Mexico + the West Indies
2 Tabula Terre Nove
3 Traza de las Costas de Tierra-Firme y de las Tierras-Nuevas
4 Planta de la Costa de la Florida
5 Peruviae…, La Florida…, Nove Hisp…,
6 Map of Town, Fort + Channel of San Augustin
7 La Citte Sainct Augustin toute Bastie de Maisons
8 Descripcion del Puerte de Apalache
9 Castillo and poximities of Pilijiriba, 1703
10 Cove and River of Apalache and road from San Luis to San Marcos
11 Accurata delineatio celeberrimae Regionis LUDOVICIANÆ vel Gallice LOUISIANE…(North America)
12 Descripcion Geographica de la parte que lost Espanoles
13 A Survey of the Coast from Fort William near St. Ivans River to Mosquito River
14 Carte de la Louisiane et particulierement de Fleuve Mississippi
15 The British Governments in Nort America
16 Descripcion Geographica, de la parte que los Espanoles poseen acualmente en el continente de la Florida
17 Map Furnished by Spain to England , 1756
18 New Map of East Florida
19 St. Augustine and its Environs, 1768
20 Map of the General Surveys of East Florida