No. Title Date
1 Algunos spectos de la nocion de marginalidad y su aplicacion a nuestra realidad
2 "George Remembers Miami in 1925 When It Boomed" - by George Wolpert and Descriptions of Photographs from Miami Beach History Book 1925/1987
3 Miracle Man of Miami Beach From Pageant Magazine 1966/1967
4 Secular History and Teology 1966/1967
5 Observaciones y reflexiones sobre un viaje a Brasil 1972-07-01
6 El Pensamiento de Jacques Maritain 1973-05-06
7 Christian Ethics and Global Economics 1978-11-13
8 An Interview With Isaac Bashevis Singer by Edith Perlmutter 1979-03-01
9 “LIZA” by M. H. Glazer 1979-03
10 Development Experts, The One Eyed Giants 1980
11 Apuntes Sobre Teologia de la Liberacion 1984-05-20
12 Nueva teologia amenaza la fe 1984-09-01
13 The Contribution of Church Agricultural Programs to Rural Development in Zaire 1984-11-13
14 The Church in Worldly Affairs: Tensions Between Laity and Clergy 1986-10-18
15 Algunos aspectos sobre la Teologia del Laicado 1986-11-19
16 Mercury Residues in South Florida Apple Snails (Pomacea paludosa) 1997-01-10
17 Biogeochemical effects of iron availability on primary producers in a shallow marine carbonate environment 2001
18 Origin of salinity variations in Florida Bay 2002
19 Factors affecting the concentration and flux of materials in two southern Everglades mangrove wetlands 2003
20 Temporally dependent C, N, and P dynamics associated with the decay of Rhizophora mangle L. leaf litter in oligotrophic mangrove wetlands of the Southern Everglades 2003