No. Title Date
1 Administrative Closure of Immigration Court Hearings of Haitians Covered by Deferred Enforced 1998-01-13
2 Antoine Izmery letter to Dade Paper Co. 1992-05-29
3 Campamento de Militantes de la Zona Occidental 1962-11-30
4 Carta - Queridos Hermanos en el Sacerdocio 1971-06-22
5 Circular sobre el Seminario Nacional sobre asuntos economicos y sociales 1962-10-30
6 Como hacer el Juzgar del Plan de Cali 1962-03-06
7 Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano 1968-08-03
8 Copie de la lettre du 3 Octubre 10-03
9 Copy of letter to Monsieur H Moreau de Melen 1959-10-14
10 Correspondence relating to railway shipment of tomato crop 1934
11 Correspondence relating to the creation and boundaries for Everglades National Park 1936
12 Correspondence relating to the Royal Palm Sugar Cane & Planting Company 1924
13 Draft sign-on letter to senate to support S.1504 1998-02-19
14 Editorial Response 1991-10-14
15 Equal Treatment Coalition 1998-01-16
16 Hacia la Creacion de una Conciencia Gremial Universitaria 1962-02-06
17 Haitians Deserve Fair Treatment 1998-03-17
18 Letter from Cardiss Collins to Jimmy Carter 1980-05-07
19 Letter from Carlos Horacio Urhan R. 1964-02-14
20 Letter from Carlos Horacio Urhan R. 1963-10-22