No. Title Date
1 1595 Plan of the fort of San Agustin, Florida
2 16th Century Plan with the description of the fort of Santa Elena
3 Barra y Puerto de St. AugustĂ­n
4 Carta Ydrogratica de las Costas desde la Bahia de San Joseph has S. Maria de Galves…
5 Castillo, 1676
6 Castillo, 1677
7 Castillo, 1678
8 Castillo, 1680
9 Castillo, 1685
10 Castillo, 1697
11 Castillo and poximities of Pilijiriba, 1703
12 La Citte Sainct Augustin toute Bastie de Maisons
13 City of St. Augustine and Environs
14 City of St. St. Augustine + Environs
15 Copy of a Plan of the City of St. Augustine, Flora with some additions for the year 1833
16 Cove and River of Apalache and road from San Luis to San Marcos
17 Descripcion Geographica de la parte que lost Espanoles
18 Diagram of Statement of Block Pavement, Cordova St.; Diagram Showing Estimate of Block Pavement, Orange St.
19 The East of St. Augustine Town Castle and Forces before it on the Island of Anastasia
20 Fire Insurance Map of 1893