No. Title Date
1801 North Miami General Hospital construction final stages 1961-02-12
1802 North Miami General Hospital under construction 1961-02-12
1803 North Miami General Hospital under construction - city authorities addressing an audience 1961-02-12
1804 North Miami Library original wing 1955
1805 North Miami Lions Club Little League Team no.1 1954-09-02
1806 North Miami Middle Community School, 13105 NE 7th Ave. 1998-07-20
1807 North Miami official authorities visit City Christmas scene 1957-12-06
1808 North Miami Optimist Club event 1952-07-01
1809 North Miami Police Academy Class 1960-01-13
1810 North Miami Police Benevolent Association christmas tree sale 1960
1811 North Miami Police Department and Municipal Court building 1964
1812 North Miami Police Department employee testing new radio system to communicate with dispatchers in front of City authorities 1960-04-29
1813 North Miami Policemen and Patrol Cars @1953-12-04
1814 North Miami Postal Service office on 128th Street and 6th Avenue under construction 1953
1815 North Miami Postal Service office on 128th Street and 6th Avenue under Construction 1953
1816 North Miami Postal Service office on 128th Street and 6th Avenue under construction 1953
1817 North Miami Public Library addition construction site sign 1963-09-01
1818 North Miami Public Library adult reading room 1956-01-15
1819 North Miami Public Library Branch, 1120 NW 127th St. 1957-01-11
1820 North Miami Public Library Branch Library, 1120 NW 127th St. 1959-03-17