No. Title Date
141 Miami Beach Mayor Harold Rosen at city events, 1977 1977
142 Miami Beach City Council members: Leonard Haber, Harold Rosen, Elayne Weisburd, 1977 1977
143 Mayor Harold Rosen, Miss Lincoln Road, equestrian, and baseball players, 1977 1977
144 City of Miami Beach official events attendees, 1977 1977
145 City Halls swearing-in events and an arts festival, 1977 1977
146 Artists and visitors at a Miami Beach art festival, 1977 1977
147 Sand dredging pump opening event and oil station facilities, 1977 1977
148 Publications about the Monarch Society of America's 1978 meeting in Miami Beach 1978
149 Miami Beach Commission meeting with Mayor Leonard Haber 1978/1985
150 Mayor Farina 1978
151 City officials and concert during the All American Weekend, July 1982 1986
152 City of Miami Beach Mayor Murray Meyerson 1979-1981
153 Mayor Haber presents key to the city to Moshe Rivlin 1980
154 Mayor Haber and Peggy McKinley during cake cutting ceremony 1980
155 Neisen Kasdin 1980/1990
156 Neisen Kasdin 1980/1990
157 Neisen Kasdin 1980/1990
158 Seymour Gelber 1980/1990
159 Mayor Alex Daoud, Dr. Lehrman and others with an award 1980/1990
160 Mayor Alex Daoud with woman giving a clay impression of her feet 1980/1990