No. Title Date
141 Gilberto Díaz 1960/1969
142 GLOWS NGOs/CBOs Survey: Progress Report on Regional and local Outreach 2012
143 El gran
144 Guateque campesino
145 Gustavo Rojas 1979
146 Gustavo Rojas 1988
147 Gustavo Rojas 1980
148 Hansel & Raúl y la Charanga 1987
149 Hansel y Raúl y la Charanga 1980/1989
150 Hay cariño
151 Historia de Cuba 1965
152 Holiday In
153 Homenaje a Alfonso Ortiz Tirado
154 Homenaje a Arsenio Rodríguez 1981
155 Hommo sapiens 1990
156 Hydrologic Restoration of the Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands: mosquito and drainage ditch inventory and recommendations 2004-08-26
157 Imported 1980
158 Instrument pour le Sondage Cap-WASH projet Renforcement des capacités des ONG WASH local / national / OBC en Afrique
159 Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, Lower Alazani/Ioni Pilot Watershed Area (Republic of Georgia) 2011
160 Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, Lower Rioni Pilot Watershed Area (Republic of Georgia) 2011