No. Title Date
1461 People dressed marching with a kid 2023-05-14
1462 People marching with the sign "Stop 444 Brickell Now" 2023-05-14
1463 People Standing and Seated on Small Boat in Canal Near Davie, Fla 1913
1464 Perrine High School, Perrine, Fla. 1948-04-27
1465 Perry Como in WTVJ Studio 1956
1466 Photo Portrait of Chief Police officer Ken Glassman 1970/1979
1467 Photograph at CDBG Luncheon 1970
1468 Photograph of Commissioners and Wives 1994 /2001
1469 Photograph of Miami Beach Police and Cars 1921
1470 Photograph of Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Britanny Bay Park 1993
1471 Photograph of the City of Miami Beach Grounds Crew 1942/1945
1472 Photographer Chris Hansen relaxing on the beach surrounded by five bathing suit clad models. 1974
1473 Photographs During the Grand Opening of the Romero Britto Gallery and During a Nocturnal Party 1995
1474 Photographs of "Artists" Dressed Up in Front of the Bass Museum 1980
1475 Photographs of Attorney General Janet Reno During Miami Beach Chamber Luncheon 2001/2002
1476 Photographs of Community Relations Board Recognition Event 2000
1477 Photographs of Control Room in the Commissions Chamber 1997-07-16
1478 Photographs of Customer Service Appreciation Luncheon 2001-10-11
1479 Photographs of Lawrence A. Levy Receiving the Oath from Robert E. Parcher 1999-12-15
1480 Photographs of Luncheon Event During the Recognition of Michael Aller 2003-03-07