No. Title Date
1301 Color Photograph of Commissioners and Mayor Dermer 2003-04-09
1302 Combination Note, Chattel Mortgage and Wage Assignment between Dana A. Dorsey, Rebecca Dorsey and Personal Finance Company 1932-06-29
1303 Combs Funeral Home and Mortuary 1920
1304 Combs Funeral Home and Mortuary 1923
1305 Commission Group Photo 2002
1306 Commission Meeting Photos 2001-03/04
1307 Skip Navigation Links.
1308 Commission on Status of Women reception, late 1990s 2000
1309 Commissioner Matti-Herrera Bower, Mayor David Dermer, City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez and other city officials 2000/2010
1310 Community facilities plan, phase II 1960
1311 Skip Navigation Links.
1312 Company L, Miami, Fla. & Capt. Saunders 1905
1313 Comprehensive analysis of neighborhoods in Miami 1961
1314 Comprehensive annual financial report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 2011
1315 Comprehensive development master plan 1973/1974
1316 Comras, Michael interview 2020-06-08
1317 Conceptual project for Bayside in the Park 1983
1318 Conducting a scan of your college access and success system : Why it matters. How to do it. How to use it. 2010-11
1319 Conductor at night concert 1960-1969
1320 Confiscated Liquor in Miami Jail Yard. 1922-03-18