No. Title Date
101 Sharyn Richardson talks about working as Marjory Stoneman Douglas' personal secretary
102 Sharyn Richardson discusses working against the Florida Panther telemetry program
103 Sharyn Richardson describes the threat the Melaleuca trees pose to South Florida
104 Sharyn Richardson talks about the power of one person and Quaker philosophy
105 Sharyn Richardson reminisces on her life in Florida
106 Jack Kaufman talks about Florida Defenders of the Environment
107 Jack Kaufman talks about how there is more environmental awareness than in previous decades
108 Jack Kaufman recounts his experiences working with the Florida Defenders of the Environment
109 Jack Kaufman gives the true meaning of “Endangered” in relation to the Florida Panther
110 Jack Kaufman discusses growth in the Florida Defenders of the Environment and the Cross Florida Barge Canal
111 Jack Kaufman considers how Florida Defenders of the Environment protects their reputation and provides “the best information”
112 Jack Kaufman speaks on the continuing battle to protect Florida's Environment
113 With the Wild Things: Kites
114 With the Wild Things: Everglades
115 Reclaiming the Everglades
116 Reclaiming the Everglades: South Florida's Natural History, 1884 to 1934:
117 Everglades Digital Library: Arthur R. Marshall, Jr. Collection
118 Sharyn Richardson discusses the role of “Friends of the Everglades”
119 Ecology and Population Dyniamics of the Florida Panther in Everglades National Park
120 South Dade wetlands