No. Title Date
981 Application For Permit To Use Park Facility For A Wedding Reception or Ceremony
982 Pavilion Rental Flyer
983 Office of Film and Entertainment and Special Events Indemnity/user Agreement
984 Approved Run/Walk Plans
985 Approved Run/Walk Plans
986 Approved Run/Walk Plans
987 Park Fest
988 Park Fest
989 Large Print Photograph of the Benet House
990 M. Chao woodworking in the Santoya House, looking Northeast
991 Enma Saiz Miami Marine Seating Installation
992 Bikini Sundayz
993 COPA Miami
994 Application For Permit To Use Park Facility
995 Small Event Violation Letter
996 Virginia Key Park Trust Event Deposit to Reserve Receipt
997 Large Special Events Rental Space at HVKBP
998 Freedom Beach Festival
999 GIFT Sponsorship Portfolio
1000 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation