No. Title Date
81 Netsuke: seated goat 1801/1900
82 Mask netsuke 1801/1900
83 Netsuke: Daruma yawning 1801/1840
84 Netsuke or ojime: monkey 1801/1863
85 Manju netsuke: Courtesan holding a fan 1801/1900
86 Netsuke: bean pod motif 1801/1900
87 Netsuke: Kan'U 1801/1900
88 Netsuke: sake cup 1801/1900
89 Netsuke: Shishi and cubs 1801/1900
90 Netsuke: toad on a sandal 1801/1900
91 Sashi netsuke: octopus ghost 1801/1900
92 Manju netsuke: badger on lily pond 1801/1900
93 Netsuke: puppy seated on roof tile 1801/1900
94 Okimono-style netsuke: royal elephant 0-19-18
95 Netsuke: Okame stretching and yawning 1830/1870
96 Netsuke: bad dream eater 1830/1870
97 Netsuke: frustrated rat catcher 1830/1870
98 Kagamibuta netsuke: Monju Bosatsu riding Shishi 1830/1870
99 Ryusa netsuke: kirin between the sea and sky 1830/1870
100 Ryusa netsuke: kappa and lotus blossoms 1830/1870