No. Title Date
81 American Czechoslovakian Club event 1958-10-04
82 American Czechoslovakian Club Vitame Vas sign 1958-10-04
83 Swim and Slim Club women wearing Victorian bathing suits costumes pose for a picture at the North Miami public pool 1958-10-08
84 Swim and Slim Club women wearing Victorian bathing suits costumes pose line-up for a picture at the North Miami public pool 1958-10-08
85 Mayor Sasso celebrates National Library Week at the North Miami Public Library 1959-03-17
86 Kiwanis fish fry fundraising event 1959-05-22
87 Young lady wearing North Miami varsity sweater and holding a megaphone 1959-06-08
88 Young lady emerging from a heart 1959-06-08
89 Young lady coming out of a Christmas present box 1959-06-08
90 Young lady posing by a large sculpture of an anchor 1959-06-08
91 Young lady lighting a large candle 1959-06-08
92 Young lady sitting in a large champagne glass 1959-06-08
93 Young lady sitting by a tree 1959-06-08
94 Young lady wearing graduation cap and gown 1959-06-08
95 Young lady wearing a sea captain's cap sitting on a boat 1959-08-06
96 Young lady leaning against wall 1959-08-06
97 Public Library staff 1959-11-09
98 Officers of Keystone Point Homeowners Association 1959-12-05
99 North Miami Police Benevolent Association christmas tree sale 1960
100 The Dividend. June 1, 1960 1960-06-01