No. Title Date
861 St. Philip's Episcopal Church. Coral Gables, Florida
862 Staircase from Biltmore Country Club. Coral Gables, Florida 1981
863 Staircase from Biltmore Country Club. Coral Gables, Florida 1981
864 Staircase gargoyle at the lobby of the Bilmore Hotel. Coral Gables, Florida 1984
865 Steps of the bridge. Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
866 The Story of Boca Raton 1947
867 Skip Navigation Links.
868 Skip Navigation Links.
869 Streetcar and cars on Business District , Coral Gables, Florida
870 Streetcar and cars on Business District , Coral Gables, Florida 1923
871 Streetcar lines. Business District, Coral Gables, Florida
872 Streetlight detail at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
873 Streetlight detail at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
874 Streetlight of the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
875 Swimmers at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
876 Swimmers at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
877 Swimmers at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
878 Swimmers at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida 1937-02
879 Swimmers with an inner tube at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida
880 Swimmers with an inner tube at the Venetian Pool. Coral Gables, Florida