No. Title Date
61 Boynton Beach Boat Club, c. 1957 1956/1958
62 Boynton Beach High Girls' Basketball Team, 1946 1946
63 Boynton Beach High School Beta Club, 1949 1949
64 Boynton Beach High School Cheerleaders, 1949 1949
65 Boynton Campfire Girls Camp Trip, 1915 1915
66 Boynton High Girls Basketball Team, 1939 1939
67 Boynton Men's Bible Class, c. 1914 1914
68 Skip Navigation Links.
69 Broward Garden Club 1950/1959
70 Broward Garden Club planting 1959
71 Broward Garden Club Program 1963-04-02
72 Business and Professional Women's Club meeting 1952-05-14
73 Business and Professional Women's Club meeting 1952-05-14
74 Certificate of Appreciation from Miami Shores Village, 1971 1971-03-01
75 Charter Members of the Rotary Club, February 1940 1940-02
76 Christmas Luncheon
77 Christmas Luncheon, 1991 1991-12-01
78 Coco Plum Woman’s Club. Coral Gables, Florida
79 Coco Plum Woman's Club 2014
80 Coco Plum Woman's Club. Coral Gables, Florida