No. Title Date
41 Skip Navigation Links.
42 Skip Navigation Links.
43 Tudor Hotel and Suites
44 Venetian Hotel and Apartment 1930/1939
45 View of the Miami Beach Public Library, 1945 1945
46 Views of hotels, cafes, clubs, temples, public buildings and restaurants on Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue, 1980s and 1990s 1992
47 Views of hotels, parks, cafes, and restaurants on Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue, 1980s and 1990s 1990
48 Skip Navigation Links.
49 Worth, Don interview 2019-12-16
50 Worth, Nina Weber interview 2019-12-16
51 York, Marjorie interview 2020-06-08
52 Zemo, Dona interview 2017-03-03
53 Zohlman, Barbara interview 2020-02-17