No. Title Date
461 Profile of Kossi Province
462 Profile of Maradi region in Niger: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
463 Profile of Nayala Province
464 Profile of Noumbiel Province
465 Profile of Poni Province
466 Profile of Sanguie Province
467 Profile of Seno Province
468 Profile of Soum Province
469 Profile of the Centre Region of Burkina Faso: Demographics, Agriculture, Access to Water and Sanitation
470 Profile of the Sahel region in Burkina: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
471 Profile of Tillaberi region in Niger: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
472 Profile of Yagha province
473 Profile of Zinder region in Niger: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
474 Profile sud-ouest region in Burkina: demographics, agriculture, access to water and sanitation
475 Program Documentation 1985-10
476 Program of Lake Okeechobee investigations 1973
477 Programme de formation sur la gouvernance en Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène (WASH)
478 Progress report, upper Kissimmee chain of lakes water quality and benthic invertebrate sampling 1975
479 Project Brief: Capacity Building of Local/National WASH NGOs/CBOs in Africa (Cap-WASH)
480 Project information sheet: AfRICap Program