No. Title Date
461 Part of picnic table
462 Group of children
463 Virginia Key Beach and lifeguard stand
464 Round picnic table
465 Square picnic table
466 Picnic table from below
467 Picnic table and benches
468 Two long picnic benches
469 Picnic area
470 Grill in picnic area
471 Crowd at concession stand
472 Counseling Services
473 Special Services Counselor
474 Dade County doctors, biographical index card file, M dpanther date
475 Jai Alai Players Practicing
476 Gralynn Hotel Interior
477 Ralph Renick Outside WTVJ Television Studio, Miami, Fla.
478 Interama Architects
479 Interama Bazaar Model
480 Interama Land Use Plan