No. Title Date
381 Report of the City of Miami Preservation Officer to the Historic Preservation and Environmental Preservation Board on the potential designation of the Buena Vista Post Office / Moore Furniture Building as a historic district
382 Town of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, FL : Adopted Annual Budget
383 San Agustin Antíguo Museum Interpretive Map
384 The Ribera House
385 Reclaiming the Everglades
386 Municipal revenue sharing in Miami-Dade County: not yet ready for prime time
387 Properties owned by City of Miami
388 The Salcedo Kitchen
389 The Gallegos House
390 The Pan American Center
391 The Sanchez de Ortigosa House
392 The Old Spanish Inn
393 The Triay House
394 Cemetery Records of the three cemeteries lying outside of the walled city
395 Tolomato Cemetery
396 Burials in the Cathedral
397 Burials at the Convent of Saint Francis, 1595-1763
398 Services Over Body of Priest to be Held Today
399 Bishop Agustin Verot
400 Tolomato Cemetery