No. Title Date
21 1595 Plan of the fort of San Agustin, Florida
22 Plan of the old fort in San Agustin, called San Marcos
23 Map of Town, Fort + Channel of San Augustin
24 El Fuerte de Santa Elena
25 La Citte Sainct Augustin toute Bastie de Maisons
26 Mexia Waterway Chart
27 Plan of the Castillo
28 16th Century Plan with the description of the fort of Santa Elena
29 Castillo del Presidio
30 Plan of the Castillo, 1675
31 Castillo, 1676
32 Castillo, 1677
33 Fort San Marcos of Apalache, 1677-1678
34 Castillo, 1678
35 Descripcion del Puerte de Apalache
36 Castillo, 1680
37 Fort San Marcos of Apalache, 1680
38 Castillo, 1685
39 Mapa De La Ysla de La Florida
40 Fort San Marcos of Apalache, 1685