No. Title Date
21 Letter to Reverendo Padre Cecilio de Lora From Jorge Mejia 1968-07-25
22 Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano 1968-08-03
23 Carta - Queridos Hermanos en el Sacerdocio 1971-06-22
24 Letters to the editor of the Miami Herald and to the Daily Sun Reporter 1972-02-23/1979-10-10
25 Herman Epstein's Letters to Miss Materson and Miami Beach Public Library 1973-08-10
26 Letter from Dorothy L. Serotta to Al Vorspan 1978-07-24
27 Letter from Cardiss Collins to Jimmy Carter 1980-05-07
28 The World Consultation At Rocca Di Papa 1987
29 Sample letter to the editor 1990/1999
30 Editorial Response 1991-10-14
31 Antoine Izmery letter to Dade Paper Co. 1992-05-29
32 Administrative Closure of Immigration Court Hearings of Haitians Covered by Deferred Enforced 1998-01-13
33 Equal Treatment Coalition 1998-01-16
34 Draft sign-on letter to senate to support S.1504 1998-02-19
35 Haitians Deserve Fair Treatment 1998-03-17
36 Copie de la lettre du 3 Octubre 10-03