No. Title Date
221 Restoration of Joaneda House nearing completion from Treasury Street, looking Southeast
222 Restoration of Joaneda House, interior view, second floor with bathtub
223 Restoration of Joaneda House, interior view, second floor with water heater
224 Restoration of Joaneda House, interior view, second floor with water heater, looking West
225 Beginning stages of restoration work on the Joaneda House from back yard, looking Northwest
226 Joaneda House from back yard, looking North
227 Restoration of Joaneda House from Treasury Street, looking South
228 Brewster House from Cuna Street, looking West, 1967
229 Demolition of the Brewster House from Cuna Street, looking Southwest
230 HSAPB Block and Lot card for Brewster House, 1967 [Please note, the building photographed is not the Brewster House, but is actually B13-L10, the house to the West of Brewster House]
231 Brewster House from Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1968
232 B13-L10, the House to the West of Brewster House from Cuna Street, looking Southeast [Photo incorrecltly identifies this house as the Brewster House]
233 House being demolished on Cuna Street, looking Southwest, 1968
234 Model Land Co. Lot from the corner of St. George Street and Hypolita Street, looking Southwest
235 Model Land Co. Lot from center of lot, looking Northeast, 1967
236 Model Land Co. Lot from center of lot, showing Model Land Co. General Offices, looking Northeast
237 Model Land Co. Lot from center of lot, looking East
238 Demolition at the corner of St. George Street and Cathedral Street, looking Northwest, 1961
239 McCrory Building from St. George Street, looking Northwest
240 City Laundry Building from Spanish Street, looking Southwest, 1973