No. Title Date
2321 Unidentified soldier poses
2322 Soldier posing with "Honey Wells"
2323 121st Vikings soldier
2324 Soldier poses in front of UH-1B
2325 Close up of UH-1B helicopter, Soc Trang
2326 229th Smiling Tigers door art
2327 "The Dragons" insignia
2328 Posing with helicopter, 119th AHC
2329 119th AHC UH-1B frontal view
2330 119th AHC UH-1B flying over mountains
2331 121st AHC soldier, Soc Trang
2332 UH-1B looking over Vung Tau
2333 175th Mavericks tail
2334 Recovered 175th "Maverick" Gunship
2335 Recovered "Maverick" gunship Pied Piper
2336 Recovered 1st Cavalry UH-1B
2337 Officer on bike
2338 HA(L)-3 Sealords Officer Bob Young
2339 “Dastan” of the state of poor Ithna-Asheris in Zanzibar during 1930 – 1960
2340 Mambolino