No. Title Date
1081 M.K. Lyman's home after 1928 hurricane, 1928 1928
1082 Moonlight over Lake Worth, Florida 1960/1969
1083 Moore's Gift Shop, 1946 1946
1084 Motorola groundbreaking, 1992 1992-05-28
1085 Motorola plant, 1984 1984
1086 Mott Partin, former mayor of Boynton Beach, Florida, c. 1957 1950/1959
1087 Moving a house in Lake Worth, c, 1915 1913/1917
1088 Moving a house on a wagon drawn by horses, c. 1920 1915/1925
1089 Moving a palm, c. 1925 1920/1929
1090 Mr. March's sixth grade class at Forest Park Elementary School, 1967 1967
1091 Mrs Colebrooks' First Grade Class at Boynton Elementary School, 1971 1971
1092 Mrs. Dewey and the children, Christmas, 1910 1910
1093 Mrs. Lillian Voss Oyer, 1978 1978
1094 Mrs. Lillian Voss Oyer, c. 1975 1973/1977
1095 Mrs Thomas' Fifth Grade Class at Boynton Elementary School, 1971 1971
1096 Mule race, c. 1923 1920/1928
1097 Mules and men in flooded field, c. 1920 1915/1925
1098 Mung home, 1946 1946
1099 Municipal pavilion at Boynton Florida, c. 1935 1930/1939
1100 Murray Family in front of tomato packing shed, Boynton Beach, Florida, 1899 1899