Boynton School, 1914
- Publication Date:
- 1914
- Format:
- 1 black and white copy print; 9.5 x 7 inches
- Subjects.Display:
- Portraits, Group
- School children
- Teachers
- Classrooms
- Students
- Boynton Beach Elementary School (Boynton Beach, Fla.)
- Boynton Beach Elementary School Collection
- Shepard, Annie Streater, 1892-1982
- Source Institution:
- Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives
Ella, Stella, and Bessie, c. 1917
- Publication Date:
- 1915/1919
- Format:
- 1 black and white print; 5 x 2.5 inches
- Subjects.Display:
- Portraits, Group
- Harper family
- Messer, Ella Harper, 1896-1984
- McKay, Estella Harper, 1885-1945
- Mayberry, Elizabeth Harper, 1892-1947
- Ella Harper Photoalbum
- Source Institution:
- Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives
- Donor:
- Gift of the Messer family.
Mott Partin, former mayor of Boynton Beach, Florida, c. 1957
- Publication Date:
- 1950/1959
- Format:
- 1 black and white print; 4 x 6 inches
- Subjects.Display:
- Portraits
- Mayors
- City council members
- Boynton Beach Photograph Collection
- Police chiefs
- Partin, Mott Hall, 1892-1960
- Source Institution:
- Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives