No. Title Date
21 Little Theatre Production (Production A) 1950/1960
22 Little Theatre Production (Production A) 1950/1960
23 Little Theatre Production (Production B) 1950/1960
24 Little Theatre Production (Production B) 1950/1960
25 Little Theatre Production (Production B) 1950/1960
26 Little Theatre Production (Production B) 1950/1960
27 Little Theatre Production (Production B) 1950/1960
28 Luau 1950/1960
29 Mayor Karen Kirby 1989-03-01
30 Mayor Karen Kirby 1989-03-01
31 Mayor Karen Kirby 1989-03-01
32 Mayor Karen Kirby 1991-10-31
33 Members hanging drapes
34 Members of Miami Shores Woman's Club 1981/1982
35 Members of Miami Shores Woman's Club 1966/1969
36 Members of Miami Shores Woman's Club 1970/1979
37 Miami Shores American Legion
38 Miami Shores American Legion -article
39 Miami Shores Country Club 1950/1960
40 Miami Shores Country Club - Halloween Party 1983