No. Title Date
1 LeBlanc. B. Diederich
2 Doctors Dominican Med Schools
3 Interview with President Echeverria
4 Interview Deputy Prime Minister
5 Jack Anderson
6 Nicaragua post war
7 President Betancourt's International talks
8 President Echevarria. Donovan
9 Preston. Molasses production in Cuba.
10 Student, Mexicans
11 Mexican American workers. Mr. Paglia on the Tlatelolco massacre. 1968
12 Jamaica. Meeting for and interview with Carlos Loret de Mola, Yucatan. 1969-09-20
13 John Huston, film makers. Uruguay. Student Interview - Anti Subversive Operations Coordinating Organization (OCOA) 1976-06
14 Alfonso Robelo, Nicaragua. Panamanian student Nic Robollo. Pat Fulton, Canal Zone employee. Oil Story. 1977-06-28
15 General Anastasio Somoza 1978-08-22
16 Pope John Paul II at the Basilica of Guadalupe. President Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua. 1979-01-27
17 Henry Kissinger 1979-02-27
18 Firefight. El Dorado, Nicaragua. Harold Riley BBC interview with Sandanistas. 1979-06-18
19 Anastasio Somoza Interview, July 10, 1979. Somoza to Liberty Party, July 11, 1979 1979-07-10
20 Colonel Somoza. Tachito. Ambassador to Nicaragua. 1979-07-19