No. Title Date
721 1981 Baseball Yearbook Sunblazers FIU 1981
722 1981 re-election campaign pamphlet for Commissioner Leonard Weinstein 1981
723 1982 Baseball Yearbook Florida International University Sunblazers 1982
724 1982 Convocation President Gregory Wolfe Remarks 1982-02-04
725 1983 Convocation Keynote Address Robert McAfee Brown 1983-10-12
726 1984 NCAA Champions Florida International University Sunblazer's soccer team 1984
727 1985 Florida International University Sunblazer's soccer team 1985
728 1986 Annual report Rural Clean Waters Program 1988-01
729 1987 Spring Florida International University Commencement Program 1987
730 1990 Annual report for the Nicodemus Slough Mitigation/Monitoring Project 1991-02
731 1994 extended wet season hydrologic conditions 1995-05
732 1996 Legislative Outlook
733 Skip Navigation Links.
734 Skip Navigation Links.
735 19th Annual Miami Film Festival 2002-01-10
736 19th century Cuban dances (suite of ten compositions) [Date of publication not identified]
737 1er festival de tunas puertorriqueñas
738 1er Nocturne par L. Jadin.
739 1er Recueil de romances, rondeaux et airs variés, tirés des ouvrages des auteurs distingués, pour servir d'amusement dans la solitude, arrangés pour une flûte seule
740 1o. Diciembre 1904 1906