No. Title Date
6361 Babel! Polka -composée pour piano par Edouard Philippe
6362 Babillage : pour piano = Plauderei
6363 Baby 1954
6364 Baby African grey parrot in a hay filled tub held by a zookeeper at Miami Metrozoo 1970/1990
6365 Baby Angola colobus climbing to sit with three older monkeys in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
6366 Baby Angola colobus hanging from an adult's tail under the climbing structure at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
6367 Baby Anteater prancing through enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1964
6368 Baby Asian elephant in its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6369 Baby Asian elephant walking beside a wall in its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6370 Baby Asian elephant walking up against the wall of its enclosure at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6371 Baby birds in their nest waiting for food at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6372 Baby birds in their nest waiting to be fed at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6373 Baby birds waiting for food at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970
6374 Baby can I hold you
6375 Baby can I hold you
6376 Baby chimpanzee cuddled with mother while two other chimps play in the grass at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
6377 Baby chimpanzee running towards two adults in habitat at Miami Metrozoo 1980/2000
6378 Baby Clememetine
6379 Baby come home to me
6380 Baby Costa Rican deer being licked by a young golden retriever at Crandon Park Zoo 1950/1970