No. Title Date
5921 Au clair de la lune. Paroles de Emile Bessiere. Musique de Paul Marinier. 1898?
5922 Auber's Overture to Masaniello
5923 Audacia ( external resource | internal citation )
5924 Audience at an event at the Arch Creek Park, August 7, 2010 2010-08-07
5925 Audience at dedication of plaque for Albert Friedman- Mr. Miracle Mile 1982
5926 Audience at the dedication of NW 7th Ave project 1960-12-09
5927 Audience at the Easter Sunrise services at Coral Gables City Hall. Coral Gables, Florida 1963
5928 Audience at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Biltmore Hotel. Coral Gables, Florida 1925-05-14
5929 Audience for Harps in the Park, April 25, 1993 1992-04-25
5930 Audio Disc (2)
5931 Audio Files (1)
5932 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting 2004-06-24
5933 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting 2004
5934 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting January 2007 Tape 2 2007-01-30
5935 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting, July 2004 2004-07-19
5936 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting, March 2007 2007-03-27
5937 Audit and Budget Committee Meeting, September 2004 2004-09-07
5938 Audit and Budget Meeting Tape 1 2004
5939 Audit Report, October 31, 1930, City of Miami Beach, Florida with Purchase Order Insert 1930-10-31
5940 Audubon House at 205 Whitehead Street 1890