My Little Man

My Little Man  

Publication Date:  1970/1974
Creator:  Ann Anello ( Composer )
Subjects.Display:  Motion picture music
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Little Man
My Little Princess

My Little Princess  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Little Princess
My Love Goes With You

My Love Goes With You  

Creator:  Ann Anello ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Love Goes With You
My Mother

My Mother  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Mother
My Sweet Cheta

My Sweet Cheta  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Sweet Cheta
My Sweet Life

My Sweet Life  

Publication Date:  1976
Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Ann Anello ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Sweet Life
My Sweet Love

My Sweet Love  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Ann Anello ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
My Sweet Love


Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Need You

Need You  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Need You
Never Ending Love

Never Ending Love  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Never Ending Love
Never Give Up

Never Give Up  

Creator:  Ann Anello ( Composer )
David Friedman ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Never Give Up
Never Will Love You

Never Will Love You  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Never Will Love You
New Age 2

New Age 2  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
New Age 2
New Day

New Day  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
New Day
New Moon

New Moon  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
New Moon
New Original Song

New Original Song  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
New Original Song
Next to You

Next to You  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Next to You


Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University


Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
No 3

No 3  

Creator:  Mitch Kerper ( Composer )
Ann Anello ( Composer )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
No 3