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Southwest elevation of the Peña-Peck House (See Large Print File)
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Northwest corner of Room 4 on the first floor of Peña-Peck House, during restoration
An ornate bed inside the Peña-Peck House
Angled view, detail of a door frame on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Back door to the Peña-Peck House, looking West
Back porch of the Peña-Peck House
Bracing in a wall on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Bracing in the west wall on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House
Coquina arches on the east loggia of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the courtyard
Coquina arches on the south loggia of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the courtyard
Detail above Window 2-5 on the west wall of Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during...
Detail of a door frame on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Detail of bracing in the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Detail of Door 2-3 in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Detail of the corner of a door frame on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Detail of the eave on the southeast corner and Chimney #1 of the Peña-Peck House, looking Northwest
Detail of the eave on the southeast corner of the Peña-Peck House, looking Northwest
Detail of the eave on the southeast corner of the Peña-Peck House, looking Southwest
Detail of the exposed rafters on the eave (southeast corner) of the Peña-Peck House, looking Northwe...
Detail of wall corner at the intersection of the loggia and kitchen on the first floor of the Peña-P...
Detail of west façade (south wing) during restoration, looking West
Door 1-1 from Room 1 leading to St. George Street on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking...
Door 1-11 from Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking South
Door 1-13 (frame removed) seen from the loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
Door 1-13 (frame removed) seen from the loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking Northeast
Door 1-16 seen from Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking Eas...
Door 1-8 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking East to the loggia from Room 2
Door 1-9 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West into Room 2 from the loggia
Downstairs hallway on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking East
Downstairs hallway on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking West
Dr. Peck's House and Palm Trees
Early stages of replacing Fireplace #3, sen from Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House
Exposed floor joists in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking...
Exposed floor joists in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking...
Exposed floor joists in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking...
Exposed frame and bracing in northeast corner of Room 5 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House
Exposed frame and bracing in northwest corner of Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House
Exposed frame and bracing in northwest corner of Room 3 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House
Exposed framing and detail of baseboards in the southwest corner of Room 1 on the second floor of th...
Exposed framing in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking Wes...
Fireplace on the north wall of Room 2 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House
Front door to the Peña-Peck House on St. George Street
Gutter detail along the side of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Gutter detail on a corner of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Gutter detail on the Peña-Peck House
Gutter detail on the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Hallway on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North
Loggia of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking North
Loggia of the Peña-Peck House, looking South
Looking down to the first floor from the top of the service stairs in the Peña-Peck House during res...
Looking north from the loggia into Room 4, first floor of Peña-Peck House
Looking up the secondary staircase toward Room 4 on the second floor during restoration
Main staircase Peña-Peck House seen from the loggia during restoration, looking West
Molding detail of Window 1-1 on the west side of the Peña-Peck House
Molding detail on exterior window of the Peña-Peck House (Window 1-1)
New archway in the loggia of the Peña-Peck House (east end of the north wing), seen during restorati...
New framing under the main staircase in the Peña-Peck House during restoration, seen from the loggia...
North elevation of the Peña-Peck House at the intersection of St. George Street and Treasury Street
North wing of the Peña-Peck House during restoration work, looking North
North wing of the Peña-Peck House near the completion of restoration work, looking North
Northwest corner of Room 4 on the first floor of Peña-Peck House, during restoration
Northwest corner of Room 4 on the first floor of Peña-Peck House, during restoration
Northwest corner of the Peña Peck House from the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street
Northwest corner of the Peña-Peck House on the corner of St. George Street and Treasury Street
Peña-Peck House, Looking east out of Room 2 onto the loggia
Peña-Peck House, looking onto the loggia and patio from Room 2 during restoration
Peña-Peck interior, exposed floor joists in front of Fireplace #2 during restoration
Post card image of two women in Spanish dress in the patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
Rear view of the north wing of the Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear yard looking West
Replacing Fireplace #3 in Room 2 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House during restoration
Replacing Fireplace #3 on the first floor of Peña-Peck House, seen from the rear in Room 3
Room 1 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking East
Room 1 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking West
Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North
Room 1 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking South
Room 2 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North
Room 2 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking South
Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck Hous, looking Southeast
Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck Hous, looking West
Room 3 (Gift Shop) on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking East
Room 3 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking Northeast
Room 3 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking Southeast
Room 3 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West
Room 4 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking North
Room 4 on the first floor of the Peña Peck House, looking Southeast
Room 4 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking Southeast
Room 4, first floor of Peña-Peck House, looking Northeast
Room 4, first floor of Peña-Peck House, looking West
Room 6 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking Northeast
Room 6 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking Northwest
Room 7 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking East
Room 7 on the second floor of the Peña Peck House, looking West
Second floor hallway, Peña-Peck House, looking North
Second floor hallway, Peña-Peck House, looking South
Secondary staircase in Peña-Peck House, looking East
Section of the sill east of Door 2-1 in Room 2 on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House during res...
Service stairs seen from Room 4 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking South
South elevation of the Peña-Peck House (See Large Print File)
South elevation of the Peña-Peck House with Date Palms (See Large Print File)
South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, 1969
South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, during restoration
South elevation of the Peña-Peck House, prior to restoration
Southeast corner of the Peña Peck House during restoration work
Southeast elevation of the Peña-Peck House
Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with a woman standing on the balcony
Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with bare coquina stone
Southwest corner of the Peña-Peck House on St. George Street
Southwest elevation of the Peña-Peck House (See Large Print File)
Staircase in the Peña-Peck House from the second floor during restoration
The garden on the south side of the Peña-Peck House, seen from St. George Street
The patio of the Peña-Peck House
The patio of the Peña-Peck House during restoration, looking West
The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking East
The patio of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
The south end of Room 2 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House
The space under Window 1-5 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West
The west façade of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with bare coquina stone, looking Sout...
Top of the service stairs on the second floor of the Peña-Peck House
West façade of the Peña-Peck House from St. George Street, with bare coquina stone, looking North
Window 1-1 in Room 1 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking South
Window 1-4 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking West
Window 1-6 in Room 3 on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
Window 1-8 (walled up) seen from Treasury Street, looking South
Window 1-8 from the kitchen on the first floor of the Peña-Peck House, looking North
Window 1-8 of the Peña-Peck House, seen from Treasury Street looking South into the kitchen during r...
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