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Exhibit case in the front room of the Pan American Center with artifacts from Ecuador
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Clearing lots, east side of the properties that will eventually be the Marin-Hasset House, Santoya H...
Aerial view of the Marin-Hasset House, looking Northeast
Artifacts from Ecuador on display in the Pan American Center
Barricades in place on St. George Street at the start of construction on the Marin-Hasset House
Bread dough sculpted figures from Ecuador on display in the Pan American Center
Business along St. George Street on the eventual site of the Marin-Hasset House, looking South
Carl Calkin and Jean Babich standing in front of an exhibit in the Pan American Center
Clearing lots, east side of the properties that will eventually be the Marin-Hasset House and Hispan...
Clearing lots, east side of the properties that will eventually be the Marin-Hasset House, Santoya H...
Clearing property for the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, seen from Cuna Street looking Nort...
Clearing property for the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, seen from Cuna Street looking Nort...
Clearing the lot to construct the Marin-Hasset House, seen from Cuna Street, looking West
Clearing the lot, preparing for the construction of the Santoya House and the Marin-Hasset House
Conduit placement in the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Constructing the first floor of the Marin-Hasset House, looking North
Constructing the hearth and fireplace in the Marin-Hasset House
Construction of the balcony on the south side of the Marin-Hasset House
Construction of the first story of the Marin-Hasset House from St. George Street, looking Southeast
Construction of the Marin-Hasset House, looking Northwest
Construction of the Marin-Hasset House, working on the roof, looking West
Construction of the rear section of the Marin-Hasset House, looking North
Courtyard entrance to the Pan American Center in the Marin-Hasset House
Dedication of the Pan American Center
Demolition debris behind the Marin-Hasset site (prior to construction), looking South
Demolition of business space prior the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, looking East
Demolition prior to the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, seen from the rear of the lot lookin...
Detail of interior electrical work during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Detail of interior electrical work in ceiling space during the construction of the Marin-Hasset Hous...
Detail of interior plumbing during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Detail of second-floor fireplace during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Detail of second-floor interior electrical work during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Early stages of the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, south side
East elevation of the Marin-Hasset House during construction, with the City Hall in the background
East wing of the Marin-Hasset House, south elevation, seen during construction
Entrance to the loggia of Marin-Hasset House, seen during construction, looking North
Exhibit case in the front room of the Pan American Center with artifacts from Ecuador
Exhibit case in the front room of the Pan American Center with artifacts from Peru
Exhibit case in the front room of the Pan American Center with reproductions of carvings from Columb...
Exhibit case in the middle room of the Pan American Center with artifacts from Costa Rica
Exposed mural advertisement on the wall of the hardware store next to the cleared Marin-Hasset House...
First floor fireplace during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Framing the roof during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, interior view
Framing the roof of the Marin-Hasset House during construction, south elevation
Front balcony of the Marin-Hasset Hosue, seen from St. George Street during construction, looking No...
Front balcony of the Marin-Hasset Hosue, seen from St. George Street during construction, looking So...
Installing plumbing during construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Interior view during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House
Interior view during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House showing a corner and exposed rafters
Interior view of the Marin-Hasset House, Southwest corner
Janet Poole (left) and Jean Babich holding a Costa Rican olla in the Pan American Center
Janet Poole (left) and Jean Babich standing in front of a display case in the Pan American Center
Looking into the chapel area of the Pan American Center, with 18th-century religious statues
Man standing in the archway of the Marin-Hasset House during construction, looking Northeast
North elevation of the Marin-Hasset house during construction
North elevation of the Marin-Hasset House during construction, from St. George Street
Northwest corner of the Marin-Hasset House frome St. George Street
Overlooking the Hispanic Garden to the Marin-Hasset House
South elevation of the Marin-Hasset House from across Hypolita Street
South elevation of the Marin-Hasset House with scaffolding set up during construction
South elevation of the Marin-Hasset House, shortly after completion
Southwest elevation of the Marin-Hasset House from St. George Street
St. George Street entrance to the Pan American Center in the Marin-Hasset House
Stucco applied to the first story of the Marin-Hasset House during construction, west elevation
The east gallery of the Pan American Center, with art from Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru on exhibit
The east wing of the Marin-Hasset House seen from the second floor during construction, looking East
The entrance to the Hispanic Garden at the intersection of St. George Street and Hypolita Street
The entryway arch seen during the construction of the Marin-Hasset House, looking West
The Hispanic Garden and south elevation of the Marin-Hasset House from the intersection of St. Georg...
The Hispanic Garden with the south elevation of the Marin-Hasset House behind
The intersection of St. George Street and Hypolita Street with the Marin-Hasset House in the backgro...
The Marin-Hasset House on St. George Street and a view down the east side of St. George Street, look...
The rear section of the Marin-Hasset House from the entrance to the Hispanic Garden, looking North
The west gallery of the Pan American Center, with artifacts from the Spanish Colonial era
West elevation of the Marin-Hasset House and the Hispanic Garden with the adjecent lot being cleared...
West elevation of the Marin-Hasset House on St. George Street
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