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Detail of damage to the first floor surface of the Benet House
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Looking north down St. George Street with the Benet Store on the left and the Benet House on the rig...
A street scene in front of the Benet Store (as an ice cream parlor), looking Southeast
Applying stucco to the north elevation of the Benet House during restoration, seen from Cuna Street
Applying stucco to the north elevation of the Benet House during restoration, seen from St. George S...
Benet House during restoration, working on the roof and balcony, looking Northeast
Benet House on the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street, with Oliveros House on the immediate...
Benet House, ca. 1900
Constructing the fireplace and chimney on the south end of the Benet House
Damage to the first floor surface in an interior corner of the Benet House
Detail of damage to the first floor surface of the Benet House
East elevation of the Benet House during construction, seen from Cuna Street
East elevation of the Benet House during restoration, starting reconstruction of the second floor
Historic image of the south elevation of the Benet House, seen from St. George Street
Installing window frames on the second floor of Benet House (north elevation), seen from Cuna Street
Interior of the Benet House, damage to the floor
Large Print Photograph of the Benet House
Large Print Photograph of the Benet House, a copy of an old print
Large Print Photograph of the Benet House, on right
Looking north down St. George Street with the Benet Store on the left and the Benet House on the rig...
Looking north downt the east side of St. George Street, Benet House at center
North elevation of the Benet House at the end of the restoration work
North elevation of the Benet House during restoration work, with the water tower in the background
Northwest corner of the Benet House from the corner of St. George Street and Cuna Street
Operating a replica printing press in the Wells Print Shop (photograph is mislabeled)
Scaffolding set up on the east elevation of the Benet Hosue during restoration work
Scaffolding set up on the north elevation of the Benet House during restoration work
South elevation of the Benet House at the end of the reconstruction work
South elevation of the Benet House during restoration work, prior to construction of the roof
Southeast corner of the Benet House during restoration work
Southeast corner of the Benet House during restoration, finishing work on the roof
Southwest corner of Benet House during restoration work
Southwest corner of Benet House on St. George Street after restoration, with Oliveros House on the l...
St. George Street entrance to the Benet House, as the Ye Olde Ice Cream Parlor
The back of the Salcedo House with the Arrivas House in the background, from the rear yard of the Tu...
The Benet family standing in the side yard of the Benet House, looking Northeast
The Benet House on St. George Street, looking Northeast
The United Service Organization (USO) building on St. George Street, prior to restoration
The west elevation of the Benet House, seen from behind the Sanchez de Ortigosas House
Working on the roof and balcony of the Benet House, from St. George Street, looking South
Working on the roof during the restoration of the Benet House, looking South
Working on the roof of the Benet House during restoration, from Cuna Street, looking Southwest
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Last updated January 2012 -