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1. [Three men standing in from of a palm tree: one J. M. Willson, the other Billy Bowlegs]. April 1, 1911. |
2. Mr. Moseley's Pear grove near Goulds Fla., J. E. Moseley, J. M. W. Jr., Mr. Hudson. June 16, 1917. |
3. Near Lake Okeechobee, J. M. W. Jr. (at dinner). Billy Bowlegs, with a deer on his back, just returning from an hour's hunt. February 8, 1916. |
4. Portrait of James Mallory Willson, Jr. September 21, 1924. |
5. Mr. M. K. Sniffen, J. M. W., Jr., Feby. 5, 1916. This is our first meal en route to Okeechobee City. It was taken in the rain. |
6. [J. M. Willson feeding his two pet cranes]. |