Attempt to recover McCurdy's plane

Material Information

Attempt to recover McCurdy's plane
May Hill Russell Library -- History Dept
Monroe County Public Library System
Henderson, Warren
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 photograph : sepia ; 3 x 4 in.


Scope and Content:
Canadian aviator and later politician John Alexander Douglas McCurdy's plane in the water alongside a Navy destroyer. McCurdy's planned flight ended less than one mile (0.8 km) short of target but is considered to be the first flight from Key West to Cuba. A group of people are on deck with a small boat alongside. Photo taken 30 January 1911. A gift Warren Henderson.
Original Location:
History Dept., May Hill Russell Library; 700 Fleming St., Key West, FL 33040.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Florida International University
Rights Management:
Resource Identifier:
000000721 ( ALEPH )
AAB2715^^QF^ ( NOTIS )

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