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Overland Truck Suburban located in the back of Guarantee Market
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Ford Touring across alleyway directly behind Farrey's Hardware
Auburn Coach located at Shorty's Garage
Automobile located behind the Victoria Apartments
Automobiles on yard at True-White Garage, picture taken looking east
Automobiles on yard at True-White Garage, picture taken looking south
Buick Coupe located at Pearce Garage
Buick Coupe located by the Deaville Casino
Buick Coupe upside down and half buried in the sand located south of 33rd Street and Collins
Buick located at True White Garage
Buick Roadster and Ford Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Buick Touring located at Pearce Garage
Buick Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Buick Touring located at True White Garage
Buick Touring located at True White Garage
Buick Touring located at True-White Garage
Buick Touring located on lot opposite of Better Service Bay front
Buick Touring located on lot south of Leonard Hotel
Buick Touring located on the NE side of Frances Apartments
Cadillac chassis located by the Sanitary Dump on Bougainvillea Avenue
Cadillac chassis located by the Sanitary Dump on Bougainvillea Avenue
Cadillac chassis located south of Canal, west of Liberty Ave.
Cadillac Coupe located at the East Riviera Plaza in the back
Cadillac Touring located on lot north of Gulf Refining Co.
Chandler Touring located at the back of Gillingham's Market
Chevrolet Coupe located at True-White Garage
Chevrolet Coupe located in the rear of the Miami Beach Paint Co. between 7th & 8th Collins
Chevrolet Roadster located at Shorty's Garage
Chevrolet Sedan located at Shorty's Garage
Chevrolet Sedan located in the rear of the Mare Grande Hotel, 6th and Ocean Drive
Chevrolet Touring located at True White Garage
Chevrolet Touring located at True White Garage
Chevrolet Touring located at True White Garage
Chevrolet Touring located south of Gatti Restaurant, 1427 West Ave
Chevrolet Touring located west of Hotel Matanzas Spanish Village South of Espanola Way
Cole 8 Touring located at True White Garage
Columbia Chassis located south of Smith Cottage #12
Construction shack located in the rear of gas station at Eleventh and Washington
Damaged automobile located on 14th Street near Collins
Diana Sedan located at Shorty's Garage
Divine's Building Material scattered on lot on 7th and Washington
Dodge Chassis located at Shorty's Garage
Dodge Coupe located at True White Garage
Dodge Coupe located at True White Garage
Dodge Roadster located at Shorty's Garage
Dodge Touring at True White Garage
Dodge Touring located at Pearce Garage
Dodge truck located on near Smith's Cottages
Dort Touring located north of La Gorce Island
Edison Kipp's building material at Fifteenth and Drexell
Essex Coach located at True White Garage
Essex Touring located on lot north of Gulf Refining Co.
Ford chassis by the North Gulf Refining Co.
Ford Chassis located north of Rony Plaza Garage
Ford Chassis located on Tenth and West Ave.
Ford Chassis located south of Crawford's Garage
Ford Coupe located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Coupe located at True White Garage
Ford Coupe located at True White Garage
Ford Coupe located in the back of Linden Apartments, on 14th Street and Pennsylvania
Ford Coupe located in the rear of Better Service Garage
Ford Coupe located on the north side of 29th Street, between Collins and Indian Creek
Ford Coupe located on West Ave and Ninth Street
Ford Coupe located south of 34th Street and East of Collins
Ford Couple located at True White Garage
Ford dump truck located on SW Tenth and West Ave.
Ford Light truck located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Light Truck located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Light truck located in the rear of 1816 Meridian Ave.
Ford Light truck located in the rear of the Victoria Apartments
Ford Light Truck located on the rear of Dulbs Plumbing Co. on Sixth and Michigan
Ford located south of Better Service Garage
Ford Roadster located at 30th Street and Indian Creek Drive
Ford Roadster located at Seventh and Collins
Ford Roadster located at True White Garage
Ford Roadster located in the back of 321 and Collins
Ford Roadster located in the rear of the Miami Beach Paint Co.
Ford Roadster located South of Espanola Way, west of Hotel Matanzas Spanish Village
Ford Sedan located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Sedan located at Tenth and Washington
Ford Sedan located at Thirteenth and Drexell
Ford Sedan located at True White Garage
Ford Sedan located south of Fountain Apartments, 334 Euclid Ave
Ford Touring at True White Garage
Ford Touring located at Seventh and Collins
Ford Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Touring located at True White Garage
Ford Touring located by Bay Front and Second Street
Ford Touring located in the alley of the Fenway Hotel
Ford Touring located in the rear of 55 Collins
Ford Touring located in the rear of the Miami Beach Express Co. on 834 First Street
Ford Touring located in the rear of the Rolls Royce Co.
Ford Touring located on Alton Road south of Better Service Garage
Ford Touring located on lot north of Gulf Refining Co.
Ford Touring located on SW Tenth and West Ave.
Ford Touring located south of Canal, west of Liberty Avenue
Ford Touring, badly robbed, at True White Garage
Ford truck chassis located and owned by the M. B. Express Co.
Ford Truck Chassis located at Shorty's Garage
Ford truck located at Eleventh and Collins
Ford Truck located at Pearce Garage
Ford Truck located at Pearce Garage
Ford Truck located at Shorty's Garage
Ford Truck located north of Fleetwood Garage
Ford Truck located on the NE corner of Fifth and Michigan
Ford Tudor, 1925 Model, located by 56th Street
Franklin Touring located in the rear of Quigley's, on the SE corner of Fifth and Michigan
Gardner Touring located at Flamingo Park on Twelfth Street
Gasoline oil tank at Reid Park, owned by the Gulf Refining Co.
Hanson Touring located in the back of 321 and Collins
Haynes Touring located at True-White Garage
House on wheels, Ford motor, located at Raid Park
Hudson Coach located on SW Tenth and West Ave.
Hudson Touring located at Pearce Garage
Hudson Touring located in the back of Shorty's Garage
Hudson, Studebaker and Peerless Sedans located at Marshall's M.B. Garage, under the fallen wall and ...
Hupmobile Touring located at Eleventh and Washington
Hupmobile Touring located by a residence on 542 Euclid Ave.
Hupmobile Touring located by the Sanitary Dump on Bougainvillea Avenue
Jewett Sedan located at Pearce Garage
Marshall's Miami Beach Garage Service Car located on alley way south of First
Maxwell Roadster located at True White Garage
McFarlan Roadster located at Shorty's Garage
Mitchell Touring located at True White Garage
Moon Sedan located at True White Garage
Nash Sport Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Oakland Body located east of Bill Scott's Sign Building
Oakland Coach located at True White Garage
Oakland Converted Truck located east of Bill Scott's Sign Building
Oakland Roaster located at True White Garage
Oakland Touring located at Shorty's Garage
Oakland Touring located by Bay Shore, at the end of 29th Street
Oakland Touring located on the east side of Merrill Apartments on First Street
Old car owned by Carl G. Fisher located north of Gulf Refining Co.
Oldsmobile Touring 8 Cylinders located in the back of Shorty's Garage
Oldsmobile Touring located on Sixth St. near Meridian Ave.
Overland chassis located south of Better Service Garage
Overland Coupe located on lot north of Gulf Refining Co.
Overland Roadster located at Seventh and Collins
Overland Roadster located at True White Garage
Overland Sedan located on Surf Drive and Fourth Street, north of Normandy Isle Archway
Overland Suburban located on the rear of Gillingham's market
Overland Touring located at Pearce's Garage
Overland Touring located at True White Garage
Overland Touring located at True White Garage
Overland Touring located by Better Service Garage on Alton Road
Overland Touring located on the side of Alton Road, south of Better Service Garage
Overland Touring located south Fernwood Apartments, 935 Pennsylvania
Overland Truck Suburban located in the back of Guarantee Market
Packard Touring located south of Better Service Garage
Packard Twin Six located at Pearce Garage
Paige Clover Leaf body located north of Better Service Garage
Paige Coupe located at True White Garage
Paige Touring located at True White Garage
Peerless Touring located south of Hiawatha Apartments
Premier Touring located at True White Garage
REO Taxi located at Thirteenth and Drexell
Studebaker Coach located at True White Garage
Studebaker Touring located at True White Garage
Studebaker Touring located on lot north of Gulf Refining Co.
Truck chassis located north of 29th Street in front of Pancoast Garage
Various automobiles parked rear of Shorty's Garage
Various cars and trucks located at East-Sign building
Velie Touring located in the rear of 827 1/2 Alton Road
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Last updated January 2012 -