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Photograph, recto: [Posed photograph of City Manager Jorge Gonzalez, Mayor David Dermer, Antoinette Zel, Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg, and Commissioner Matti Herrera Bower] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Posed photograph of City Manager Jorge Gonzalez, Mayor David Dermer, Antoinette Zel, Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg, and Commissioner Matti Herrera Bower] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Posed photograph of City Manager Jorge Gonzalez, Commissioners Saul Gross, Luis R. Garcia, Jr, Jose Smith, Chief of Staff Ramiro Inguanzo, City Manager's Office, Chuck Adams, Mayor David Dermer in the center, Antoinette Zel, Commissioner Matti Herrera Bower, Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg, Dennis Leyva, and two more unidentified men] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [View of Proclamation To Be Presented To Harry Horgan, Founder Of Shake-A-Leg, For Helping The Physically Disabled, People With Developmental Disabilities, Disadvantaged Youth, And The Community At Large. Harry Horgan pictured in the center, and from left to right, Commissioners Jose Smith, Saul Gross, Mayor David Dermer, Commissioniers Richard Steinberg, Bower and Garcia. At the far right end is Kevin Smith, Parks and Recreation Director] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Commission members and Mayor David Dermer presenting appreciation certificate during Commission meeting] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |