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Photograph, recto: [Men rowing a boat in a flooded Ica street, text on the back reads "Flooding, waters reached different levels beacuse of the 'El Niño' phenomenon"] |
Inundacion, de las aguas gue alcanzaron diferentes niveles debido al fenomeno del niño, City of Ica, Peru] |
Photograph, recto: [Crowd in a flooded street] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Men standing in a flooded street] |
Photograph, verso: [Esquina grau con la mar] |
Photograph, verso: [Grau Avenue flooded] |
Photograph, verso: [Av. Grau] |
Photograph, recto: [Man walkinga bicycle on a flooded street] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [People walking in a flooded Amazonas Street] |
Photograph, verso: [Amazonas] |
Photograph, recto: [People walking in a flooded Grau Avenue, January 29, 1998] |
Photograph, verso: [Av. Grau - 29-01-98] |
Photograph, recto: [Children walking piggy-back on a flooded Grau Avenue] |
Photograph, verso: [Av. Grau] |
Photograph, recto: [People walking in a flooded Grau Avenue] |
Photograph, verso: [Av. Grau] |
Photograph, recto: [People walking in a flooded Grau Avenue] |
Photograph, verso: [Av. Grau] |
Photograph, recto: [Children standing in the street] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Houses along a road] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Houses along a road] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Flood street scene in the Santo Domingo area] |
Photograph, verso: [Sto Domingo] |
Photograph, recto: [A little girl sorrounded by flood destruction] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Niños damnificados del distrito de los molinos (Children who survived the flood in the Mill District)] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Flooded buildings in the Santa Maria area] |
Photograph, verso: [Sta Maria] |
Photograph, recto: [Clinic/Pharmacy showing flood damage in the Mill District] |
Photograph, verso: [Molinos] |
Photograph, recto: [Work: Paving Avenue Grau, 1st and 2nd block. Initiated June 17, 1999. Mayor: Oscar Sanchez Dulanto.] |
Photograph, verso: [Obra: Pavimentacion Av. Grau 1era, 2da Cuadra. Inaugurada el 17 de Junio 1999. Alcalde: Oscar Sanchez Dulanto. |
Photograph, recto: [People standing near a pile of salvaged possessions] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Floodwaters with a building in the background] |
Photograph, verso: [Mdo Modelo] |
Photograph, recto: [Man praying in front of a large crucifix overlooking the valley] |
Photograph, verso: [Saraja] |
Photograph, recto: [Men moving a table through floodwaters in the Santo Domingo area] |
Photograph, verso: [Sto Domingo] |
Photograph, recto: [Sand dunes with buildings in the distance] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |
Photograph, recto: [Temporary shelters with the city and the mountains in the background] |
Photograph, verso: [Blank] |