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City of Miami Beach
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Cathie Alexander with a scarf and under a umbrella
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Lynn Allison styling next to an umbrella
Adrienne Bourbeau leaning on a palm tree
Adrienne Bourbeau playing with a beach ball in the water
Anette Wright jumping with seagulls in the background
Arlette Frankenfield playing a guitar
Carol Hale next an umbrella in the sand
Carol Hale placing an umbrella in the sand
Carol Joyce is looking to play beach ball
Carol Tatum with an umbrella in the sand
Cathie Alexander with a scarf and under a umbrella
Coni Ensor golfing on the beach
Coni Ensor hugs a beach ball
Cynthia Williams grabing a palm tree leaf
Cynthia Williams jumping with a scarf in over an umbrella
Cynthia Williams laying on an umbrella
Cynthia Williams using a parasol
Dawn Wilding at the beach with a hat and an umbrella
Dawn Wilding holding a hat
Diane Bernath holding onto a beach ball during a wave
Diane Edney with a beach ball and an umbrella
Dolores Kirby next to an umbrellawith a sign that reads "Welcome to Miami Beach"
Dominique Doherty grabbing a palm tree by the trunk
Dominique Doherty holding a palm tree with an umbrella in view
Dominique Doherty jumping with an umbrella
Dominique Doherty laying down next to an umbrella
Dominique Doherty playing around with an umbrella
Dominique Doherty posing with an umbrella
Donna Joseph with a hat and an umbrella in the sand
Donna Rankin placing an umbrella in the ground
Dottie Rawlings wearing a hat and playing with the sand
Elaine Richards beinding to pick up a beach ball
Elaine Richards laying on the sand
Elitabeth Jevnaas kneeling on a towel
Francine Rubin next to a palm tree in front of parked cars
Francine Rubin standing on coral rock and posing with beach plants and a palm tree
Francine Rubin under a palm tree
Gladys Engle examining a palm tree leaf
Gladys Engle touching an umbrella
Gladys Engle with a hat on her shoulder
Gladys Villar scaling a coral rock wall
Helen Grossman holding a palm tree's leaf
Jacki Modisette extending a beach ball into the water
Jackie Modisette kicking waves
Joan Gordon holding her hat amongst many palms
Joyce Scott enjoying the waves
Joyce Scott kneeling next to an umbrella
Karen Kirsch grabbing both a beach ball and a palm tree's trunk
Karla Scurto holding a long vine
Kitzie Wilson sitting on a stool with a hat enjoying the clear skies
Lanita Kent running with a beach ball
Lanita Kent throwing with a beach ball
Leslie Mitchell on a diving board at a swimming pool
Louise Richman beniding on to an umbrella
Lynn Allison styling next to an umbrella
Melinda Brady about to play with a beach ball
Melinda Brady between a palm tree's leaf and trunk
Melinda Brady with a beach ball over her head
Melinie Smith waving a scarf and grabing a palm tree leaf in front of a coral rock wall
Melinie Smith wearing a beach hat on a coral rock wall
Nikki O'Conner posing with a palm tree
Pat Thomas holding a beach ball
Pat Thomas pushing an umbrella
Pat Thomas with an umbrella in the background
Patti McCully posing with a beach ball and an umbrella
Priscilla Hairston pouring sand from one hat to another
Priscilla Hairston with a palm tree and an umbrella
Sandee Panco climbing a palm tree
Sandee Panco standing on a coral rock wall
Sandy Steeves with a towel on her head sitting on coral rock
Sharon Jordan is about to throw a beach ball
Sue Winters with a parasol on a coral rock
Suzanne Crawford laying in the sand under an umbrella with a bag
Victoria Wells holding two palm trees
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Last updated January 2012 -